Welcome To Our Safe Space

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Meet Bre

After getting waxed as a client at a local franchise for years, I was offered a job. Quickly realizing the fast paced, corporate style was not for me, but the deep connection and friendships made over the years was something I cherished. In 2018 Bizzy Bre's Wax was born out of a small storage closet, in the back of a family hair salon in Patterson. From there, we have grown and evolved into more than a wax studio. A truly safe space for all, a place where taboo is eradicated by casual conversation. Nothing is off limits and everything is "normal". We celebrate our differences and find deep comfort in the unconditional love and acceptance offered in this community. From Vulva casting, Sound healing, Custom Waist Beads, to all the local women owned vendors featured. I have never stopped looking for ways to incorporate healing and overall mind, body, and soul wellness. My clientele knows from experience that a wax with me is more than a standard beauty service. I am honored to have the opportunity to walk you through such a vulnerable experience, and watch you walk away beaming with confidence and pride! Thank you for choosing me as your waxer and friend!

"My job is not to fix you or 'make you beautiful', you are beautiful as you are. Perfect and whole and worthy everyday. My only job is to help you feel that".

IG: bres_wax

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Vulva Casting

What is Vulva Casting? Dental grade alginate is used to form a personalized mold of your very own. Using your individual mold, plaster is then used to create a timeless piece of art. Molds are booked individually with Bre for January. February's event is where the magic happens, when we meet to adorn our casts with dried flowers and antique frames. This annual event is something you don't want to miss! Deposits can be made as early as October. Email Bre for more details and waitlist information!

Email Bre
  • Leilani O.

    "As many first timers are, I was super hesitant and nervous to get a wax because my pain tolerance is really low lol but last summer I was going on vacation so I decided that I would go and have one and it was the best thing because of Bre! She made the experience super comfortable and honestly not that painful. She explained it step by step and gave after care instructions which are a must! Don’t go anywhere else, Bre is THE BEST!!! Such great conversation and she really cares about her clients❤️"

  • Kassandra D.

    "I’ve just recently finished my second wax with Bre and I can’t be anymore happy! Not only did she make me feel super comfortable as a first timer but she also gave me knowledge that helped my skin care routine immensely. I went from having tons of ingrown hairs and dry red patches to well on my way to my dream bikini area skin! Also I highly suggest trying her body soap she offers in the salon! Amazing amazing amazing! Definitely recommend her services and products!"

  • Pamela M.

    "She’s the best 💖 always able to make appointments, takes time & care and has great suggestions how to keep healthy.
    Highly recommend. And this body wash- the Milk & Honey makes my skin soft & clean! LOVE IT"

  • Monica C.

    "Bre is amazing, as a first timer I was super nervous and so very scared. However, she was very informative, comprehensive, and reassured me every step of the way which made it and amazing experience. It was soothing and truly very empowering to face all my fears, I was literally outside praying in my car before going through with it. As one enters the energy in the room is really great and peaceful. My hairstylist had been recommending her for the past year and I had so many mixed emotions to actually do it, I am super happy I got the courage to and will also be recommending her. I have scheduled my second appt and looking forward for the many more to book. Thank you Bre ❤️"

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